Smart IoT Box Makes Loss Adjustment Simpler
19.04.2021 by Pauline Batzer
Water damage in buildings costs billions every year. Dehumidifiers can limit consequential damage and electricity consumption can be measured precisely thanks to the Internet of Things.
In Cologne many people will first associate water damage with the annual high water of the Rhine River, but in reality damage due to mains water is more frequent in Cologne than in any other German city. Nowhere in Germany do water pipes burst and faucets or boilers leak more often than in the cathedral city.
Mains water damage is mostly due to errors in installation and assembly. Faulty pipe connections and defective or the wrong gaskets account for one in four damages claims. Nationwide the German Insurance Industry Association (GDV) reckons that the cost of mains water damage claims in the last reporting year exceeded a record three billion euros.