E-Book: The World of Tracking

Logistics faces numerous challenges: increasing customer demands and a competitive market with low margins, as well as social and political demands for more sustainability. Learn how companies can master these demands with the help of digital tracking solutions.

Cover image e-book "The World of Tracking"

  • Identify and overcome hurdles:
    Tracking solutions enable multiple optimizations – reduce delivery time and delivery errors during the last mile; track the position and condition of a shipment and create transparency throughout the supply chain; use resources efficiently and increase sustainability.
  • Best practices:
    Read how tracking improves logistics processes around the world. From the accurate global-position monitoring of goods shipments to the tracking of food, including condition monitoring, all the way to indoor tracking of pallets in warehouses, we cover it all.
  • Finding the right tracking solution:
    Different challenges require different approaches. Discover effective tracking systems and identify the right solution for your needs.

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