Retail: Change of Perspective for a Clearer View
23.11.2020 by Pauline Batzer
The Smarter Retail trendbook comes with practical tips, best practice examples and experts’ opinions. Consumer psychologist Dr Paul Marsden, for example, explains how retailers exceed their customers’ expectations.
Digitization is making small progress in retail. A positive trend is apparent, however, in a study entitled Digitization Index SMBs 2019/20. It notes that technologies such as robotics and artificial intelligence (AI) are opening up a wide range of options. Digital checkout systems, smart shelves, WiFi for customers and contactless payment are already in use, but digital transformation is not really gaining momentum in the sector. Many retailers are still reluctant to digitize – and are thereby ignoring their customers’ expectations. That is the conclusion reached in the Smarter Retail trendbook, a joint study by the trend and innovation blog Smarter Service and the consulting company Mind Digital.
Yet digitization pays dividends, or so companies say that have already embarked on digital transformation. With the aid of IoT solutions retail can generate high-quality customer experiences. But to do so, retailers must analyze the expectations of their customers precisely, says consumer psychologist Dr. Paul Marsden, writing in the Smarter Retail trendbook, which is available to download free of charge and contains best practices and fresh insights into the digital transformation of retail trade.