Lächelnde Frau arbeitet an einem Tablet

IoT blog: Servitization

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Welcome to Deutsche Telekom's IoT blog!

In our blog, our IoT (Internet of Things) experts provide insights into the latest IoT trends, technologies, various IoT devices and applications as well as practical experience reports and best practices. Find out everything you need to know about IoT and stay up to date.

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Ambulance on a country road


The IoT Adds a Human ‘Safety Net’ to the Internet

Safety is always important in daily life, be it at home, in the office or on the move. Smart IoT solutions can confront some of these dangers, as these examples from practice demonstrate.


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The Kärcher Kira B 50 autonomous scrubber drier in the foyer of the Stuttgart trade fair.


Kärcher’s Autonomous Scrubber Driers Neatly Networked

Leading cleaning technology provider Kärcher has linked its autonomous scrubber driers to Telekom’s worldwide IoT network, making both remote access and digital fleet management possible.

#Smart Building     #Servitization

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Parish controls bell ringing remotely by means of an IoT solution.


Smart Church Bell Control via the Internet of Things

smartcustos, a startup based in Hofheim near Frankfurt, has developed a smart IoT solution that enables small parishes to ring their church bells remotely.

#Servitization     #SMEs

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Young athlete looks at smartwatch and her smartphone to check her health data.


New White Paper on Digital Ecosystems in Healthcare

The German healthcare system is under pressure. The latest white paper on Smart Connected Ecosystems in Healthcare shows what digital applications and business ecosystems can accomplish in the industry.


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Technician with a tablet inspects machine in a factory hall


The IoT as the Driver of Futureproof Business Models

Constant further development is the only way to stay resilient and flexible, and the Internet of Things helps to make your business futureproof.

#Servitization     #International

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Woman rides e-scooter over bridge


Green Mobility: Precise Positioning Optimizes E-Scooters

The combustion engine will soon be history as the future of mobility becomes more electrical and greener. In this context e-scooters have much potential that precise positioning can further enhance.

#Sustainability     #Servitization

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Woman brings empty bottles to the used glass container


REMONDIS & Rhenus: Smart Filling Level Checker Uses Laser and IoT

How waste disposal specialists REMONDIS and Rhenus use connected filling level sensors to perfect used glass container and data protection bin pick-up services.

#Sustainability     #Servitization

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Group of young people in a restaurant


Connected Gastronomy for Better Service

Reading every wish from your guests’ lips is the stated aim of many a restaurateur. The Internet of Things (IoT) uses smart technologies to support this ambition.

#Servitization     #SMEs

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A young woman blows bubbles in the park during the summer.


IoT Helps Combat Fine Dust Pollution in the City

Every year, millions of people die from complications caused by air pollution. But a Berlin-based start-up is improving air quality in cities around the world with moss and the Internet of Things (IoT).

#Sustainability     #Servitization

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In smart cities the garbage cans report automatically by IoT sensor when they next need to be emptied.


Smart waste: Don’t Trash It!

What with shopping online, having food delivered to your door and working mostly from home, Covid-19 has changed daily life significantly. One result is the growing amount of garbage. Can we deal with it smartly? Find out how the Internet of Things helps organize smart garbage disposal.

#Servitization      #SMEs

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Gastronomy kitchen with MKN combi steamer with cooking program


Digital Catering: Professional Cuisine with the IoT

With cookery books from the Cloud, pushbutton cooking and automated HACCP checks, connected kitchen equipment and the Internet of Things (IoT) help chefs to strike a daily balance between quality and efficiency.

#Servitization     #SMEs

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Nurse looking at a tablet.


How the Internet of Things eases the burden of nursing

Draw blood, change sheets, administer IV drip: The daily routine of nurses is demanding. Documenting the work steps takes up additional time. In the future, with IoT, this will happen at the push of a button.

#Servitization     #SMEs

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