Saving Energy with the IoT: 10 Examples from Practice
IoT Blog
Saving Energy with the IoT: 10 Examples from Practice
Christian Sottek
Where and how can the Internet of Things achieve valuable energy resource savings? We take ten practical examples from different industries.
Digital solutions that reduce corporate energy consumption have one point in common: they all bring transparency into processes and use the data collected to enable appropriate energy-saving measures to be undertaken. This is Part 2 of our series of articles on energy saving by means of the IoT with ten examples from practice. Please feel free to contact us directly for your individual sustainability solution!
1. Building Automation and Monitoring
IoT-enabled building automation systems monitor and control energy consumers such as heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems. They help to optimize energy consumption by adjusting systems to the requirements of building users. The aim is to prevent energy loss due to inefficient heating or cooling processes. IoT sensors can also monitor the utilization of building areas like offices and conference rooms. Resources such as heating, air conditioning and lighting can thereby be adjusted automatically to actual use, time of day and presence of people. IoT-based weather forecasts provide further assistance with adjusting systems optimally. Our customer ISS, a leading international provider of facility services, digitizes its facility management by means of sensor technology and the IoT to achieve transparency about the condition and utilization of rooms.
IoT solutions help to direct city traffic more efficiently. They include traffic light systems that adjust to the volume of traffic and smart parking lot networking to reduce fuel consumption while motorists look for somewhere to park.
3. Intelligent Street Lighting
Artificial lighting can be monitored and regulated not only indoors. Outdoors too IoT-assisted lighting systems use sensors to adjust, say, the light of street lamps or billboards automatically to light conditions and time of day or presence of passers-by to make lighting more efficient and thereby reduce energy consumption. The lighting experts at LichtWART for example ensure by means of the IoT that illuminated advertising is only ever lit at the appropriate intensity while the Portuguese start-up Omniflow has developed 5G-assisted smart IoT lamp poles that use up to 90 percent less electricity thanks to solar modules and built-in energy storage.
Full transparency over your energy consumption
Full transparency over your energy consumption
In order to become more resilient and competitive in the market, companies have to gain transparency over their energy consumption, optimize operation and reduce costs.
In order to become more resilient and competitive in the market, companies have to gain transparency over their energy consumption, optimize operation and reduce costs.
IoT sensors can also help monitor temperature, humidity and other ambient conditions in warehouses. They enable cooling, lighting and other energy systems to be controlled precisely, thereby improving energy efficiency.
5. Process Optimization and Remote Monitoring
On an IoT platform companies monitor the energy consumption of their plant and equipment in real time and identify devices or processes that are inefficient. Data analysis then enables energy-saving measures to be developed and implemented. IoT data helps to identify bottlenecks or waste. Plant and systems can be monitored and controlled remotely by the IoT. Sensors record the performance and condition of machines in order to spot potential outages or inefficiencies at an early stage. If on-site callouts are required less frequently fuel is saved too. The compressed air service provider Petko uses the Internet of Things for remote and predictive maintenance and the family firm Ziehl-Abegg relies on the IoT to maintain its ventilation and air conditioning systems predictively.
Rising energy costs are putting increasing pressure on enterprises and increasing numbers of new regulations make it necessary to operate more sustainably and reduce energy consumption. Using digital solutions like the Internet of Things enables companies to make their energy consumption more transparent and efficient. In our new e-Book we present our customers’ best practices.
IoT technologies enable renewables to be integrated better and facilitate intelligent load management to better monitor and control energy production, distribution and consumption in real time. Operators thereby minimize grid losses. Electricity grid operators can collect large quantities of data and use analytical and AI tools to identify patterns and respond better to changes in the grid in order to improve efficiency and stability. Smart meters enable consumers to monitor and optimize their energy consumption in real time. Providers can read smart electricity or water meters remotely, making CO2-intensive service calls for manual meter reading superfluous.
8. Fleet Management
IoT solutions also help companies to monitor vehicles and driving behavior and optimize fleet fuel consumption. They can integrate EVs into the fleet better so as to reduce CO2 emissions. Building services provider Avant uses a digital IoT fleet management solution to optimize its employees’ service routes and save both time and fuel. The parcel delivery service J.R. Company has digitized its fleet in the same way.
9. Waste Management
IoT-based systems optimize waste collection by monitoring the fill level of waste containers and adjusting collection routes accordingly. That reduces energy consumption and environmental impact of collection. Sister companies Remondis and Rhenus use a fill level sensor developed in collaboration with Telekom in containers for working clothes and glass and in data protection bins.
10. Water Management
Water companies can use IoT sensor technology to monitor water consumption in real time and identify leaks or draw attention to inefficient usage. Energy used in pumping and sewage treatment plants can be reduced by targeted management of water resources.
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Christian has been working in various marketing positions at Deutsche Telekom for several years. Both professionally and privately, he is a fan of digitalization and is convinced that everything that can be networked will also be networked in the future. His heart beats for the IoT (Internet of Things) and he reports in our blog about the most diverse application possibilities from the areas of energy management, sustainability, smart networked products and much more.
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