Connect and accelerate: Comprehensive end-to-end charging infrastructure with IoT

Expansion of e-charging infrastructure
Expansion of e-charging infrastructure

Comprehensive end-to-end e-charging infrastructure with IoT

Comprehensive end-to-end e-charging infrastructure with IoT

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The expansion of the e-charging infrastructure refers to the development and expansion of e-charging station networks in order to improve accessibility and usability for electric vehicles and thus enable a broader e-charging infrastructure.

A nationwide e-charging infrastructure is also a use case for an IoT solution. With the help of mobile connectivity, the expansion of the e-charging infrastructure is optimized by enabling intelligent networking and thus also remote monitoring. In practice, this means improved usage, more regular maintenance and more efficient energy management of the e-charging stations.

Benefit from our expertise, which is reflected in our comprehensive modular end-to-end portfolio - from consulting and installation to the operation of your e-charging infrastructure. We are the right partner at your side to jointly develop solutions that are precisely tailored to your individual needs.

The expansion of an e-charging infrastructure is complex and multi-layered

From compliance with standards and the coordination of several trades to the hand-in-hand integration of all components and the focus on sustainability – all of this needs to be taken into account when implementing such a project. The expansion therefore requires smart management and optimal planning in order to ensure the smoothest, most efficient and safest implementation possible.

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Legal obligations and standards

With the entry into force of the Building Electromobility Infrastructure Act (GEIG), real estate owners and operators are obliged to take action.

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Complex coordination

From the collection of requirements to implementation with several partners – an e-charging infrastructure requires careful, comprehensive coordination that keeps an eye on all project steps.

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Interaction of all components

E-charging station hardware, backend and software for management, tariffs for delivery and billing – making the right choice for every decision is not easy.

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Focus on sustainability

Investment in e-charging infrastructure must not only be worthwhile, but must also be designed with a view to the future – as a contribution to environmental protection.

Our solution for real estate operators and owners

Deutsche Telekom is your strong partner for the expansion of e-charging infrastructure

Everything from a single source and one responsibility: Deutsche Telekom is your strong partner for the expansion of charging infrastructure
  • End-to-end solutions from a single source: Our comprehensive offering covers all phases of the project – from the initial consultation and planning to the provision and installation of the hardware through to maintenance and support.
  • One contractual partner for all components: By committing to just one contractual partner, our solution guarantees that all components and parts interlock smoothly.
  • Advanced operation with expertise: At the heart of our solution is our ”backend” software, which not only enables the management and operation of the charging stations, but also offers advanced energy and load management.
  • Implementation of obligations and laws: With us as a competent partner at your side, you can confidently master all the challenges posed by the Building Electromobility Infrastructure Act.

Our offer – Eight steps to expanding the e-charging infrastructure at your location with Deutsche Telekom

With our holistic end-to-end solution, we can take on almost all the challenges of expanding your e-charging infrastructure on request – with just one contractual partner who provides you with everything from a single source. The modular portfolio serves every business model: whether it's a risk-free test package or a comprehensive full-service offer – with Deutsche Telekom, you get exactly what you need. And with our modular principle, you decide which challenges you want us to solve for you.

Eight steps to expanding the charging infrastructure – with Deutsche Telekom's comprehensive end-to-end solution

Application points for expanding the e-charging infrastructure

Whether at a residential building, at a business or on the road: the use cases for expanding the charging infrastructure are diverse. With Deutsche Telekom, you receive individual solutions for your specific use case and enjoy full support thanks to our end-to-end service. In addition to the state-of-the-art charging station hardware and Deutsche Telekom's implementation capacities, the operating and management software known as the “backend” forms the heart of the solution. Thanks to the integrated and future-oriented energy and load management, several charging stations or even large charging infrastructures can be efficiently controlled from anywhere. This means that we are ideally equipped for every application – and you are ideally equipped for the future.

Learn more about funding opportunities for expanding your charging infrastructure – with the funding quick check for companies and municipalities

Mastering digitalization: the quick check for funding opportunities

With our funding quick check, especially for companies and municipalities, you can find out which funding programmes are relevant for your digitalization project in just a few clicks. We will of course treat your data confidentially. They are used exclusively to determine eligibility for funding.

Please note: the funding quick check is only available in German.

Go to the funding quick check

Deutsche Telekom as a reliable partner in the expansion of e-charging infrastructure

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State-of-the-art backend and hardware
Build on a future-proof infrastructure with Deutsche Telekom's state-of-the-art backend and hardware – always at the cutting edge, always reliable.

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One contact for cross-trade quality assurance
Rely on simplicity and excellence with Deutsche Telekom as your single point of contact for all services – and benefit from cross-discipline quality assurance.

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Certified expertise
With more than ten years of expertise in the field of electromobility, we are your partner with proven experience and the right solutions for every challenge.

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Flexibility in the choice of electricity provider
Enjoy full flexibility when charging your electric vehicles – regardless of your electricity provider. For unrestricted mobility to suit your needs.

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You need further information about one of our offers or have a specific question? We are happy to help you.

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