Remotely reading meters (e.g. for heating, gas, water and power) is convenient for both housing management companies and private households. NB-IoT fulfills all the necessary requirements.
- Only small amounts of data must be transmitted
- Meters are normally found in the cellars buildings, where reception is poor
- Gas and water meters are not connected to the electric grid and therefore need their own power source
Intelligent waste management means that garbage cans are no longer according to a rigid schedule, but rather when they are full. Sensors monitor the trash levels and transmit this data via NB-IoT to a cloud server to be analyzed.
- The modules do not require recharging or frequent battery changes
- The garbage cans are not tied to one location
- Thanks to optimized waste collection routes, logistics fuel costs sink
- Individualized billing
Studies show: Drivers searching for a place to park cause up to 30 percent of all city traffic. The result? Traffic jams, unhappiness, air pollution. Thanks to its lower operating costs and longer battery life, NB-IoT enables innovative solutions like “Park and Joy.”
- Conveniently find and pay for parking places
- Reduce unhappiness among drivers
- Boost revenues for communities via efficient parking usage
- Decrease environmental pollution by lowering auto emissions
More convenience and new business models: There are many to networking so-called “white goods” like refrigerators, dryers, ovens and dish washers via LTE-M.
- Manufacturers receive user data for market research and service purposes
- Consumers no longer have to buy an expensive washing machine, affordably renting instead and paying per wash
- Good building penetration of LTE-M signals ensures reliable data transmission even from inside the building
Where are my goods right now? Everyone ever sending something has asked themselves this question before. Logistics firms can offer their customers better service by providing tracking solutions allowing them to follow the entire shipping process.
- Tracking for logistics normally requires sending only small amounts of data and not necessarily in real-time, here NB-IoT can show its advantages. If more and more often data has to be sent, LTE-M comes into play
- Besides the location, customers can also monitor the condition and safety of their goods
- Improved flow of information for customs authorities and insurers
Easily equip your devices with connectivity ex works and activate the connection exactly when needed. With Dormant Connectivity, you are optimally prepared.
Light exactly when and where it’s needed – that’s the promise of smart lighting managed via NB-IoT or LTE-M. Communities and operators of everything from motorways to shopping centers can profit from these new wireless standards enabling affordable solutions.
- Sensors recognize when no people are present, so street lights can dim to increase energy efficiency
- Comprehensive network management provides detailed information about changes to the power grid
- Reduces energy usage and optimizes maintenance
Air pollution is a ubiquitous and complex issue that affects our environment and therefore all of us. To fight them, you have to recognize them first. Efficient air quality monitoring helps.
- Sensors connected via LTE-M measure pollution levels in buildings and in public spaces
- Early identification of dangers allows timely countermeasures
- Higher quality of life in urban areas due to safe clean air